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49233 Data Logic
Danish title: Data-logik

Type: Å, Language: D
Credit points: 5 point
Offered by: Department of Information Technology (IT)
No credit points with: 49232/C4332
Prerequisite: 49142
Recommended semester: 4th -7th semester
Scope and form: Lectures. Problem sessions. Program exercises.
Examination: Approval of compulsory activities is a prerequisite for taking part in the ex. Written exam (13 point scale )
Contact person: Jørgen Fischer Nilsson, IT, Building 344, Tel. +45 4525 3730 Email: jfn@it.dtu.dk
Aim: To introduce to formal logic, to formulatioon of logical systems models, and to logic programming.
Contents: Logic languages and logival notions such as logical consequence and logical proof. Logical formulations and ways of reasoning with examples from daily life and simple technical applications. Logic programming languages.