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04907 Advanced methods for non-parametric modelling
Engelsk titel: Advanced methods for non-parametric modelling
Sprog: engelsk
Type: kursus på phd-niveau, udbydes under åben uddannelse
Sprog: engelsk

Vejledende placering: Sidst i studiet.
Undervisningsform: Lectures and exercises
Evalueringsform Rapportaflevering
Karakter: bestået/ikke bestået
Kontaktperson: Carl edward Rasmussen

Institut: Informatik og Matematisk Modellering
Kursusmål: The aim of this course is to discuss various topics that are relevant to non-linear modelling in situations where no parametric model of the system is available. We will address fundamental issues involved, and describe methods including both Bayesian and non-Bayesian approaches. The choice of topics is not exhaustive but rather governed by our personal experiences and inclinations. Full description including schedule is available.
Kursusindhold: Probabilistic model fitting, Generalisation estimation, Regularisation, Bayesian learning, Markov Chain methods, Flexible metric kernel methods, Neural networks, variational methods, Gaussian Processes, Infinite Mixtures.