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49372 Distributed Systems
Danish title: Distribuerede systemer

Type: Å, Language: E
Credit points: 5 point
Previous course: C4358
Offered by: Department of Information Technology (IT)
No credit points with: C4358
Prerequisite: 49270
Desirable: 52235
Recommended semester: 7th - 9th semester
Scope and form: Lectures. 1 afternoon per week with problem solving or exercises.
Examination: Written exam (13 point scale )
Contact person: Robin Sharp, IT, Building 343, Tel. +45 4525 3749 E-mail: robin@it.dtu.dk
Aim: To give an introduction to the specification, design and analysis of systems of interconnected computers.
Contents: Classification of distributed systems. System architectures: unreliable networks and programs as implementations of perfect abstract processes that communicate through loss-free channels. Services and protocols. Principles of protocol design. Standardisation of protocols and services. Specification of distributed activities. Proofs of system properties. Distributed algorithms and their properties. Implementation of distributed systems. Protocol implementation Distributed operating systems. Server-based systems.